
I've made up me mind
Don't need to think it over
If I'm wrong I am right
Don't need to look no further
This ain't lust
I know this is love

If I tell the world
I'll never say enough
Cos it was not said to you
And that's exactly what I need to do
If I end up with you

Should I give up
Or should I just keep chasing pavements
Even if it leads no where,
Or would it be a waste
Even if I knew my place should I leave it there.
Should I give up
Or should I just keep chasing pavements
Even if it leads nowhere

I build myself up
And fly around in circles
Waiting as my heart drops
And my back begins to tingle
Finally could this be it or

Should I give up
Or should I just keep chasing pavements
Even if it leads nowhere,
Or would it be a waste
Even if I knew my place should I leave it there.
Should I give up
Or should I just keep chasing pavements
Even if it leads nowhere

Should I give up
Or should I just keep chasing pavements
Even if it leads nowhere,
Or would it be a waste
Even if I knew my place
Should I leave it there



--Adele( 愛黛兒 )--
▼ 艾美懷絲、喬絲史東、蒂朵後,您最不容錯過的靈魂女聲
▼ Observer Music Monthly★★★★★、The Sun★★★★☆(四顆半星)滿分推薦
▼ BBC「Sound Of 2008」名單榜首,全英音樂獎「Critics Choice」潛力新人得主
▼ 收錄英國單曲榜亞軍、英國iTunes Store冠軍曲〈Chasing Pavements〉

當艾美懷絲脫序演出鬧得滿城風雨,一個年僅19歲的靈魂女聲Adele悄悄竄起,Adele靈騷味十足的爆發力超齡嗓音,被英國傳媒冠上了「新艾美懷絲」封號,在2007年全英音樂獎摘下由150多個媒體工作者票選出的最具潛力新人獎「Critics Choice」,並站上BBC「Sound Of 2008」名單榜首(米卡、基音樂團皆為過去名單贏家),而第二支單曲〈Chasing Pavements〉不但壓倒布蘭妮、蕾哈娜等天后,躍上英國單曲榜亞軍、英國iTunes Store冠軍,首張專輯《19》更搶先獲得OMM★★★★★滿分評價!

這張由Jim Abbiss(北極潑猴、百憂解)和Eg White(凱莉米洛、娜塔莉)等名將共同打造的處女作,Adele拾起了最扣人心弦的元素:愛情,用綜合艾美懷絲率性不羈和喬絲史東感性細緻特質的魅力嗓音,訴說著一段段令人心碎的故事,伴隨空心吉他傾吐情殤往事的〈Daydreamer〉,寂寥鋼琴敲擊出漩渦般感染力的〈Hometown Glory〉,和煦傷感直襲心靈深處的〈Chasing Pavements〉,翻玩巴布狄倫名曲〈Make You Feel My Love〉,以至邀來Mark Ronson(莉莉艾倫、艾美懷絲)助陣的華麗放克舞曲〈Cold Shoulder〉,Adele性格鮮明的真摯嗓音,一次又一次融化寂寞的心靈…

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